A weekly discussion of the progress and challenges of Minnesota's agronomic crops with University of Minnesota Extension.

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Kenneth Blumenfeld - Spring of 2024: Is this Normal Minnesota Weather?

This week’s University of Minnesota Extension Minnesota CropCast has as its guest Dr. Kenneth Blumenfeld, Senior Climatologist, Minnesota State Climate Office. Kenny p...

Dealing with Early Season Weather Concerns for the 2024 Corn and Soybean Crops

In episode 35 Dave Nicolai and Seth Naeve chat with Dr. Jeff Coulter, University of Minnesota Extension Corn Agronomist about early season precipitation, soil crusting...

Announcing two premiere field crop programs for 2024

This week’s CropCast from University of Minnesota Extension has as its guests, Liz Stahl, Extension educator - crops, and Dr. Bob Koch, Extension soybean entomologist ...

Tom Hoverstad – Minnesota April Planting and Weather Update

This week’s University of Minnesota Extension Minnesota CropCast has as its guest Tom Hoverstad, Researcher at the Southern Research and Outreach Center, Waseca, MN. T...

An In-depth Discussion about Successful Minnesota Corn and Soybean Planting in 2024

In episode #32 Dave Nicolai and Seth Naeve chat with Dr. Jeff Coulter, University of Minnesota Extension Corn Agronomist about planting the 2024 corn crop in Minnesota...

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