Identity Preserved Soybean Production and Export: Craig Tomera from Grain Millers and Aaron Lorenz, University of Minnesota
More than 90% of soybeans produced in the US and globally are first processed into soybean meal for animal feed and oil for human consumption and for industrial uses. However, 5-10% of soybeans are consumed more or less directly by humans. Soybeans are used to produce tofu, soy milk, soy sauce, miso, natto, yuba, sprouts, and many other food products. Production of these foods requires specific soybeans with a narrow set of physical and chemical traits. The quality of these food products depends on the quality of the soybeans used.
Craig Tomera, an Identity Preserved (IP) Specialist with Grain Millers joins Aaron Lorenz, Soybean Breeder at the University of Minnesota on this week’s Minnesota CropCast. David and Seth learn about IP soybean production in Minnesota from these gentlemen. They chat about yield potential, management and contracting of IP soybeans. Craig discusses cleaning and exporting soybeans at their St Peter, MN plant and describes Grain Millers other food ingredient plants spread across the US and Canada. Aaron reviews the development of the IP soybean breeding program at the University of Minnesota. Join us for another engaging Minnesota Crop Cast. Don’t forget to subscribe so that these podcasts are easier to find each week.